Almost every week, I roast a chicken. They are soooo easy! You just put a little bit of seasoning on them and pop them in the oven and let them cook..... then, you can have roasted chicken, or shredded chicken for a salad or soup, or you can chop up the chicken and use it in a stir fry. With the bones, I make my own chicken stock too, so I have some fresh stock handy that doesn't have a bunch of additives or salt in it! Here's my idea for a hearty meal on a nice cold night.
Roasted chicken with mashed rutabagas, green beans, and pan gravy
* 1 whole chicken
* 2 carrots
* 3 stalks of celery
* 1/2 red pepper
* 1 onion
* 3 cloves garlic
* 4 tbs butter
* 2 tsp sage
* 1 tbs olive oil
* 1 tbs tapioca flour
* 2 cups chicken stock
I like buying local, so I went to a farmers market and found an Amish guy who sells poultry, dairy, fresh eggs and a bunch of other stuff. I bought a whole chicken from him, which was a pretty good deal. Inside, the chicken was a bag of little organs - ugh haha. Raw meat doesn't bother me, but a baggie of random organs does scare me a bit. I know that a lot of people eat organ meat, but I'm not one of them! I ended up boiling them (not sure exactly what parts of the chicken they were) and then I chopped it up and fed it to the pup... why waste it, right?
Anyway, I had a bunch of random veggies in the fridge that I wanted to use: a few stalks of celery, the leftovers of a bag of baby carrots, an apple that I had dropped on the floor and bruised, and half a red pepper left over from another yummy meal. I chopped everything up into pieces that were about 3/4 of an inch thick and threw them into the bottom of a roasting pan. I also preheated the oven to 375.
I poured some olive oil on top of the veggies and swished it all together.
I had an apple in the fridge and I'm an apple snob... I don't like to eat them if they have huge bruises on them, so I halved it and stuffed it inside the chicken. I remember my mom doing this sometimes when roasting a turkey, so I figured it would be good in a chicken too. I think the juice of the apple helps to keep the chicken moist when roasting, but I don't know if that's a real thing or just my imagination. :)
Next, I put the roasting rack in the pan and set the chicken on top. Then, I took paper towels and dried off the bird. You have to dry it, or else the butter won't stick to the chicken and you'll have a gloopy mess and not much flavor.
In a small bowl, I added the butter (which I also bought from the Amish dude- so it's from organic, grass fed cows!). I chopped up some of the garlic and added in the sage and a little bit of salt and pepper.
Then, with my fingers, I mushed it all together. The messier the better... I suppose that you could use a fork, but where's the fun in that? Also, I just feel like I can get a better idea of when everything is really evenly mixed when I use my fingers.
Then, again with my fingers, I spread the seasoned butter all over the chicken... on the skin, under the skin... everywhere. You basically give the poor little bird a butter massage. If you don't do dairy, you can just mix the seasonings with olive oil and brush that all over the bird. Then, I popped it in the oven and let it bake! I let it bake for maybe an hour and a half? I really don't remember haha... But I did take a meat thermometer and make sure the temperature was right about 180. While I was waiting for the chicken to cook, I worked on the sides.
Here's the beautiful roasted chicken when it finished. I took the roasting rack out with the chicken on it and set it over a plate to catch any juices. Now, it's time to make the gravy! I left the veggies in the roasting pan and set it over 2 burners on the stove and turned the heat to medium.
Typically when you make gravy, you need a thickening agent, like flour. Since flour isn't paleo, I used some tapioca flour. It's basically cassava (a root vegetable) that's been dried up and ground into a fine powder. I added the tapioca flour and mixed it up so the roasted veggies had a nice coating of the tapioca flour.
Then I added in the chicken stock and continued stirring and stirring and stirring until the whole thing thickened up. Soon, I had a yummy gravy with huge chunks of veggies in it. You can leave the veggies in and make it a thick gravy of sorts, or you can strain them out.
I chose to strain them out because I didn't peel the carrots or onions or anything. I just put a seive over a bowl and poured the whole thing into it. Because it was thick, it took a while to actually strain through, but I stirred it around with a spoon to speed up the process a bit.
Then you have a nice yummy paleo gravy! For the sides, you typically have some sort of mashed potato and veggie, but I made a paleo twist!
Mashed Rutabagas
* 4 small rutabagas
* 4 tbs butter
* 1 ham hock
I'm not really sure what a rutabaga is... it's a root vegetable, but I'm still not clear on if it's a turnip or if it's something different. Anyway, I thought this would be a nice substitute for mashed potatoes! I peeled the rutabagas with a veggie peeler and cut them into small pieces. While I was doing this, I had started some water boiling.
I threw the ham hock in the boiling water. Like the rutabaga, I'm not 100% sure what a ham hock is.... I think it has something to do with the ankle of the pig or something like that, but I know that they add a lot of flavor. Anyway, once the rutabagas were chopped, I added them to the boiling water and let them cook through. I boiled them until I could stick a fork in them without much resistance.
Once the rutabagas were cooked, drained them and removed the ham hock. Then I added in the butter, some salt and pepper and mashed them up. They were a bit harder than regular potatoes, and I was running out of time because the chicken was almost done, so I used a hand mixer and mashed everything up.
I also wanted a bit of green, so I just thawed out some frozen organic green beans. I added some of the meat from the ham hock and cooked the green beans so they would have some nice flavor.
So there you have it! A nice, hearty, all American meal that's totally paleo and delicious! It's also pretty darn easy.
Organ meat-YUCK! I agree.
ReplyDeleteHaha I know that people eat it, but I'm not quite there haha. My pup loved it though!